FPC Software efficiently handles various types of simple and cumulative deposit schemes, regardless of their scale. Our feature-rich software facilitates flexible interest calculation options, including daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly, with the choice of payment frequency at the end of the deposit term, monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly. It also offers automated recalculation of interest on broken deposits at a special break rate, enabling the recovery of overpaid interest. Additionally, the software provides deposit maturity reminders, options for rolling over or paying out deposits, and the provision to park matured deposits under a maturity scheme. Scheme-wise interest rate management, KYC and CKYC management, TDS calculation and deduction PAN wise, premature closure, interest provision calculation, deposit certificate printing, FD loan on principal, and accumulated interest are among the other functionalities offered.

Key Features:
  • Customizable deposit categories and their associated attributes.
  • Distinct interest rates can be assigned to various customer types within a specific deposit category for a specified duration.
  • Capability to record interest rates for loans secured by deposits.
  • Generation of account numbers automatically.
  • Joint operation of an account involving a maximum of four depositors.
  • Provision to capture Operator/Nominee/Guardian details.
  • Provision to freeze accounts.
  • An Interest Application Wizard that calculates and applies interest to all accounts of the chosen deposit type within the specified timeframe.
  • Interest calculation considers holidays if the maturity date falls on a holiday, based on the attributes configured during deposit definition.
  • Calculation of compound interest on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.
  • Automatic adjustment of liens during the closure of an account.
  • Wizard for Matured Deposit Transfer facilitating the automatic closure of matured accounts of the designated deposit type and the opening of corresponding Matured Deposit accounts.
  • Verification of cash transaction limits during payments.
  • Accounts can be renewed based on attributes of the deposit type, and a record of renewal history is maintained.
  • Managing TDS
  • Managing KYC
  • Efficiently managing CKYC
  • SMS Alert


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2869+63W, Padivattom, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala 682021

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+91 7909151555

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